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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response

KCC is open

All services are available

KCC complies with vaccine and mask requirements from the state of Illinois and other governmental agencies, as appropriate. Please understand that because of the changing nature of COVID-19 and Illinois’ Reopening Plan, this information may change without notice. If you don’t see what you are looking for—or would like more information—please contact us

Please visit the appropriate page on kcc.edu for specific college services to learn about their hours and contact information.

Visiting KCC

  • All classes and areas of KCC have resumed pre-COVI-19 operations and capacities.
  • Masks are optional for everyone, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status. 
  • Classes are offered in-person, online and a hybrid (some online, some in-person). The class schedule has details on how the class is being offered.
  • There is free wi-fi throughout the college. Students can use KCC's Library or any other appropriate college space to take part in online classes, or to study—even if the course is not being held in-person.

Coming to KCC after COVID-19 diagnosis or exposure

The college will treat any reports by those with COVID-19 as a sick request. Faculty will work with students as they have in the past.